
Monday, March 21, 2016

Classwork: March 21st!


Reading: Ch 9 and Ch 7 of our Social Studies Alive Book; this includes notes.

Writing: Choice piece #1 (kids must write three pieces by the end of the year: 1 narrative story; 1 informative essay; 1 opinion essay).
Drawing: 2 point perspective building/cottage
Word Journal #4: circ- circum-  (find ten words using these prefixes, define prefixes, find 5 other words of your choice with definitions)
Group Project: students are finishing their research on a specific colony; then, with a group are creating a presentation; most are choosing slide presentation, but others are writing scripts for news programs, "PBS specials", or a time-travelling adventure.


(see permission slip below)
We will need 3-4 parent volunteers this Friday.
Also, bring in pruning shears (hand held ones; not the long loppers) if you can.

Greenbelt Service Project
Friday, March 25th

Mr. Samson’s class will be participating in an action project this Friday, March 25th, from 1:15-2:30.  We will walk down to the green belt (the green space just south of Hansen’s lower soccer field) and work to clear the trails.  Students will be working to clear brush, cut back plants, and pick up trash.  The goal is to make the space and the trails accessible to students at Marshall and Hansen.  Students may be in contact with middle school students as this is a joint project with Marshall Citizen Science Institute.  Students will want to bring raincoats, rain boots and work gloves.  Students may be using pruning shears.  

I give permission for my student, __________________________, to participate in the Greenbelt Service Project.

PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE_______________________________Date_____________

⏯ I do NOT want my child using pruning shears.

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